- 6 packs of No.2 pencils
- 2 packs erasable ink pens
- 1 pack of red pens
- 4 highlighters (any color)
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 1 pack of crayons
- 2 packages of LINED index cards
- Metric ruler for science
- 6 – 2 pocket folders
- 3 packs of wide rule loose paper
- 4 spiral notebooks
- 2 boxes of tissue
- 1‐ three ring binder
- 2 packs of binder dividers
- 1 Zippered Pencil Case
- 1 bottle of white liquid glue (no gel)
- 2 large glue sticks
- 1½ inch binder for reading/ writing
- 1 pack of graphing paper
- 1 pair of headphones (could be purchased from dollar store)