Hello Families of Multicultural Academy. Below are the links to Re-Enroll your current student into the upcoming school year. If you are enrolling for the first time, please select the New Student Enrollment Application. Because we use Google Forms to safely collect our data, you will need to log into your Google account to access this form. If you do not have a Google/Gmail account, please take the few minutes to create one so that your data stays safe in the hands of just Multicultural Academy Administrative staff.


Academy Student Re-Enrollment Application Google Form

Multicultural Academy New Student Enrollment Application Google Form

**Multicultural Academy uses Google Forms . This transmission of data uses SSL to encrypt all the data and comply’s with all HIPAA compliance laws.**

If you would like more information about our school, please feel free to give us a call 734-677-0732 or send us an email at mainfo@macademyk8.com